Meet with AIA at Forum EA’s 20th Annual Conference in Boston, March 19 to 22

What do Software Engineering, Art History, Refugee Studies, Nursing and Industrial Design have in common? Italy and Academic Initiatives Abroad.

Diversity & Experience

Looking to achieve your diverse global education goals with a proven on-site partner throughout Italy and beyond? Meet AIA at Forum to discuss how we can help you to grow your institutional presence in Europe’s most exciting and resource-rich locations.

Trust AIA for Innovation & Reliability

Since 2009, institutions from across the global education spectrum have turned to AIA to provide exceptional instruction and academic support, reliable student services, beautiful facilities and comfortable lodging for turn-key and faculty-led programs across Italy. With each year our experience and vision have helped our partners to make study abroad a reality for every new and diverse field of study while navigating the unprecedented challenges of our times.

AIA Presents at Forum on Education Abroad Annual Conference, Boston 2024

Attend the session “Italy: Beyond the Beautiful” presented Thursday March 21 at 3:45 by AIA’s Scott Schlimgen and Claudia Cremasco along with Dr. Daniel Faber, professor of Sociology at Northeastern University, Boston. Learn More here.

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• Share our videos “Thinking About Study Abroad